The crazy bite continues


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Fished this Saturday and sunday, both 5hr trips. We had over 35 fish on Saturday in a 3hr period, and we started at noon. We never did land a king salmon on that trip but we had many browns , coho salmon, a rainbow and a few lake trout, and 2, 5lb smallmouth bass. Sundays trip was a different and a good story. We had so much action for the first 4hrs we couldn’t keep the 8 rods in the water, my coffee got cold, what the hell. Ended up with 6 big kings on and landed 3. 2 were pushing 20lbs and 1 was 12lbs. The ones they lost were high teens as well. They also had a pile of 2yr old browns, a bunch of junior browns, few cohoes and a pike. This is starting to be one of the best season I can remember. Go fishing now! Or maybe this year at least. I have some days available to make it happen.

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