Spring Fishing 4/22 4/23 4/26,27,28


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Spring fising for 2013 has been awesome. (you will see awesome once or twice on these reports) Limit catches have been the norm. The weather and the catching of fish have been cooperating quite nicely. The fish have been moving around with the water color and temperature. I kind of like it that way, it leaves the others guessing as to where to go. The king salmon have been swimming close to shore earlier than usual this year. We have had 2 to 6 or more bites on them each trip so far. Of course you never land them all, but they are still fun. The largest king so far is 23lbs. That is a beauty for spring. That fish would put on 7 to 10 lbs over the summer, to get ready for its spawning run. The brown trout, lake trout, and coho salmon are taking up the rest of your time fishing. There seems to be a good number of cohoes around this spring. I like to eat those the best. The cohoes are the only fish you cant target in the lake. They are very nomadic, so i like taking all we can catch. Browns have been good size, alot of 2 and 3yr olds. The lakers and few steelhead make up the rest of your limit catch. I still have a few days i would like to fill with some fisherman. If you are interested please call me or email and shelly or i will put you in the book.  I now have paypal which is very convienent for deposit. Stay tuned, its just beginning.

Capt. Bruce

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