July is next weekend


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July 4th weekend is this coming week, wow is summer coming quick. The fishing for salmon and steelhead remains very stable due to all the cold water we still have on the top layer. The northeast and east wind keep it there which i like, and so do the steelhead, kings, and lake trout. This weekend could only the second time since 1977 when i started fishing that we will be able to catch fish off of the top. We have been fishing 300 to 6ooft of water in the top 50ft. The 8hr trips you can get 20 to 30 bites, with bright sunny days being the best. I will be running Hookedup charters full time starting august. I am retiring from my job after 35 years. Keep that in mind for those of you like to fish during the week. (like i do)

Capt. Bruce

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